New Year Groups 2025

All groups will be virtual, limited to 20 people and run once per week.

If you would like to be notified about registration, please click HERE.

  • Improving Your Sleep

    Does the word “sleep” cause your heart to jump? Do you spend your day worrying about the sleep you’re hoping to get that evening? If you’ve answered yes to either or both of these questions, then this 6- week virtual group may be for you!

    Ask yourself, do you want to:

    • Trust sleep again?

    • Fall asleep easier?

    • Stay asleep?

    • Wake up feeling refreshed?

    • Switch off your racing mind?

    If you've answered yes... read on.

    A little about me:

    I have been supporting people with Insomnia for 20 years! I don't know where the time has gone, but I have completed research, written workbooks, taught clinicians, delivered key notes, written curriculums and contributed to Quality Standards. With a PhD in Insomnia, a Masters in Health Psychology and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, I know how important sleep is... to everything and everyone.

    Sleep Health

    Sleep health encompasses three key dimensions: sleep quantity, sleep quality, and sleep consistency. When any of these aspects are compromised, our sleep health suffers, increasing our vulnerability to a range of health and well-being issues.

    I support people with insomnia who struggle to get quality sleep, to overcome sleep challenges using evidence-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) and achieve the sleep they need for improved overall well-being. After all, sleep is an indispensable pillar of well-being, a fundamental building block for achieving and maintaining optimal health.

    What is CBT-I?

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is the Gold Standard, Evidence Based, First Line treatment for Insomnia. It is a safe, long-lasting, drug-free, research-based treatment to help people overcome chronic insomnia.

    CBT-I consists of techniques to address the factors that can disrupt sleep regulation systems and cause and reinforce inefficient sleep patterns.

    In this program I will walk you through:

      1. The insomnia formulation

      2. Getting back on track with sleep efficiency by sleep tracking.

      3. Sleep restriction / sleep compression. Designing individualized sleep plans.  

      4.  Stimulus control - rebuilding your relationship with sleep.

      5. How to better 'switch off your mind'. Cognitive therapy .

      6.  The role of sleep medicines.

      7.  What is sleep hygiene, and why it isn’t enough.

    • Bonus materials include: audio meditations and relaxation scripts.

    Who should attend?

    This group will be most effective for those who connect with one or more of the following:

    • Difficulty falling or staying asleep

    • Sleep difficulty occurs at least 3 nights per week

    • Sleep difficulties present for 3 months or more

    • You experience distress about sleep in your day to day life

    Session Details

    90 minutes:

    • 1 hour of presentation on zoom

    • 30 minutes of questions and answers

    • Detailed program materials with activities to work on between sessions

    Your Investment:

    $520.00 ($86 per session).

    Receipts for psychological services can be provided. Please contact your insurance provider to determine if this will be covered. Most insurance companies ask to see dates of service provided. Receipts with date(s) of service will be provided at the conclusion of the program confirming sessions attended.

    Graduates of this program will leave with concrete strategies to improve their sleep efficiency and quality. This is evidence based cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia, the gold standard in insomnia care.

    This Monday evening group will be limited to 20 people.

    Dates: Feb 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, March 3rd, 17th 2025 (no group March 10th)

    Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m EST

    Sign Up HERE

  • Calming Your Anxious Brain

    Do you experience anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation) most days of week?

    Is your worry and anxiety accompanied by feelings of restlessness, being easily fatigued, difficulties concentrating, your mind going blank, irritability, muscle tension or sleep disturbance?

    If you’ve answered yes to any of these, then this virtual group may be for you!

    In this 6 week group we’ll cover:

    • How the brain works

    • What is anxiety

    • How to calm your anxiety

    Who should attend?

    This group will be most effective for those who can answer yes to the following questions:

    • Do you experience excessive anxiety and worrying about a number of events or activities?

    • Do you find it difficult to control the worry?

    • Does the anxiety, worry or physical symptoms cause distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning?

    Live weekly session details

    1 hour per week live zoom sessions.

    Your Investment:

    $520.00 ($86 per session).

    **Receipts for psychological services can be provided. Please contact your insurance provider to determine if this will be covered. Most insurance companies ask to see dates of service provided. Receipts with date(s) of service will be provided at the conclusion of the program confirming sessions attended.

    Graduates of this program will leave with concrete strategies to improve anxiety.

    This Tuesday evening group will be limited to 20 people.

    Dates: Oct 22nd, 29th Nov 5th, 12th 19th 26th, 2024.

    Time: 7pm - 8pm EST.

    Sign Up HERE

  • Recognize and change the patterns that are getting in the way of your success. This closed 6 week group will be limited to 20 people.